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Quality Healthcare Legal Support Services

Too many acronyms to mention too much experience to describe. Bottom line? Advize is capable of plugging into the workflow of your legal matter and creating solutions right now.

Our Services

Advize offers a broad range of Healthcare Legal Support services.

Established in 2003, Advize Health has been recognized for our extensive relationships with health systems, payers, record management organizations, and thousands of providers across the nation. Advize, a longtime leader in audit outsourcing and co-sourcing, as well as data analytics, has more than 200 coding and documentation professionals at its disposal, spanning all aspects of the care continuum. 

Medical Billing Audit

Hire the group the insurance companies pay to do their audits for them.


IT, healthcare, and federal compliance is are languages we are fluent in.

Data Analytics

Everything from statistical sampling to complex AI driven analytics.

Technology & Security

HITRUST level 5 certified systems with personnel to match.

Consulting & SME's

A former KPMG Senior Auditor and a retired OIG Agent leading teams of healthcare pro’s.

Training & Education

Custom tailored training courses designed to get physicians on track.

Record Retrieval

Front to back solutions for secure digital to boots on ground retrieval.

Top Reporting

Straight to the facts, work product reporting that gets to the point.

expert witness testifying

Healthcare Pro’s With Real
Courtroom Experience

Some of our most recent work includes:

Litigation support for the purposes of sentencing through testimony by the DRG repricing expert with respect to costs directly, indirectly and unrelated to the stent placement.

Auditor-grade Medical Record Review

We don’t use Medical Coders to do documentation review, we use best in class Medical Record Auditors whose profession is to review clinical documentation for FWA.

A claims review and the subsequent reporting can make or break a case. Relieve your firm of the pressures of delivering an accurate, effective review and use the expertise of our claims review team.

medical record auditor
oig investigators

Actual OIG Investigators

Decades of experience working on real compliance initiatives in multiple verticals.

  • Compliance Plans and Assessment
  • Anti-kickback, Stark, False Claims Act
  • Loss amount calculations
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG) matters
  • Understanding subpoenas (OIG, HIPAA, CID, Grand Jury)
  • Whistleblower complaints

Qualified Minds

Tap into an unparalleled resource network of skilled healthcare, compliance, financial, business, and technology professionals.

  • Legal Nurse Consultants
  • Former HHS OIG Investigators
  • Law Enforcement
  • Doctors & Surgeons
  • Regulatory Compliance Professionals
  • Expert Witnesses
medical personnel

Actionable Reporting

No more translating. Custom results that cut through the noise and get you the information you need to make decisions.

  • Staffing/Provider Structure and Organization
  • Audit Scope
  • Audit Methodology
  • Audit Sample Information
  • Individual Practitioner Billing Review and Trends
  • Key Audit Findings and Reporting
  • Quality of Clinical Documentation and Practices

HITRUST Level 5 Certified

Why worry if the data and documentation for your legal matter is secure?

  • HITRUST, SOC, ISO certified environment
  • End to end Document Management
  • Health Insurance Payer audited & approved
  • Secure encrypted data storage in transit & at rest
  • Security Assessment Ready
  • Full disaster recovery implementation
  • 24/7 access, rain or shine
hitrust 5 healthcare
Jeanmarie Loria

Jeanmarie Loria, MBA, PMP, CPC

CEO, Advize Health
As the Managing Director at Advize Health, Ms. Loria provides quality consulting and project management services that accelerate clients’ ROI and satisfaction. Previously, she was a Senior Associate with KPMG’s North Florida Advisory Practice with seven years of financial analysis and IT experience.

Eric Rubenstein

Eric Rubenstein, MSCJ, CFE

Director of Litigation, FWA Support
Seasoned federal law enforcement officer (25 years), specializing in white-collar crime investigations. Wide-ranging experience involving federal healthcare programs, with an emphasis on crimes involving the Medicare and Medicaid programs by health care providers, including physicians, pharmacies…

Get in touch.

Give us a call @ 813.569.2352 or send us a message and we’ll back to you asap.

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